12 Aug 2016

Dietiker, L., Males, L. M., Amador, J., & Earnest, D. (2018). Curricular Noticing: A framework to describe teachers’ interactions with curriculum materials. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 49, 521-532.

Dietiker, L., Males, L. M., Amador, J., & Earnest, D. (2018). Curricular Noticing: A framework to describe teachers’ interactions with curriculum materials. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 49, 521-532. Building on the work of Professional Noticing of Children’s Mathematical Thinking, we introduce the Curricular Noticing Framework to describe how teachers recognize opportunities within curriculum materials, understand their affordances and limitations, and use strategies to act on them. This framework builds on Remillard’s (2005) notion of participation with curriculum materials, connects with and broadens existing research on the relationship between teachers and written curriculum, and highlights new areas for research. We argue that once mathematics educators better understand the strategic curricular practices that support ambitious teaching, which we refer to as professional curricular noticing, such knowledge could lead to recommendations for how to support the curricular work of teachers and novice teachers in particular.

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